“Internationalization: Rhetoric or Reality?”

This 2002 report, authored by Sheila Biddle (biography, page 5), stated that “Translating the rhetoric of internationalization into reality is a complex enterprise, and it can be an expensive one. Recommendations for new structures and programs are a beginning; implementing them entails negotiation, persuasion, and compromise. Ultimately, the plan put in place must reflect the university’s particular history and culture; failure to respect the institutional context puts the initiative at risk.” (10) Over the course of months, she visited various campuses and heard from faulty and administrators about the internationalization process, its pitfalls, obstacles, and successes. The report investigates the role of foreign language requirements, area studies, reorganization of schools, and various other issues of significance. The “Observations and Conclusions” section (122+) should be read if time does not allow a thorough review of this most relevant document.

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